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Facts About Pedestrian Accidents in Colorado

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Colorado is a beautiful state filled with natural scenery and interesting places to visit and enjoy. As with many cities that are big tourist attractions, there are usually many pedestrians in Colorado that are walking and biking around in different towns. Unfortunately, when there are many pedestrians in one area, the likelihood of an accident is much greater. Walking on a sidewalk or on a marked crosswalk should ensure that you are safe, but Colorado has witnessed multiple pedestrian accidents involving motor vehicles and pedestrians. These pedestrian accidents have resulted in catastrophic injuries because vehicles involved in these incidents are often speeding or driving recklessly. Here are some statistics related to pedestrian accidents in Colorado.

What Are the Facts?

In order to understand pedestrian accident statistics in Colorado, it’s important to see how these facts compare to the rest of the country. According to the most recent statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were about 70,000 pedestrians that were injured and around 5,300 pedestrian fatalities in traffic accidents in 2015. Compared to numbers in 2012 (there were about 3,700 fatalities), this number has increased nationally. In the state of Colorado, 76 pedestrians were killed out of the overall 471 people killed in all motor vehicle accidents in 2012. This equals to about 16 percent of all traffic deaths and a rate of 1.47 pedestrians killed for every 100,000 people.

So, what do these statistics mean for the state of Colorado? These numbers are actually pretty average compared to the national rates, so Colorado is not more or less dangerous for pedestrians. As a mode of travel, there is always some risk of walking. However, walking still remains one of the healthiest and inherently safe modes of transportation and physical activity, especially in a city or busy town.

If you have been injured as a pedestrian in Colorado, our Denver personal injury attorneys are here to help you recover. Consult with us today to learn more on how we can represent you and help you get compensation for your injuries.

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