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We Are Now in the “100 Deadliest Days of Driving” for Teenagers

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More than 2,000 teenagers die in car accidents each year. Another 200,000 plus are treated in emergency rooms. These are sobering statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which collects data on fatalities and injuries. Each year between Memorial Day and Labor Day, the number of teenage driving deaths increase. AAA and the National Safety Council (NSC) call this period the “100 deadliest days of driving” for teenagers. Between 2012 and 2017, almost 2,000 people died in traffic accidents involving teenage drivers.

There are a couple of reasons why teenage driving accidents increase during the summer months. Teenagers are generally not in school during the summer, meaning they have more time to use their vehicles for recreational activities. In addition, teenagers are more likely to drive with other teenage passengers. According to Texas A&M’s Transportation Institute, teenagers 15 to 17 years old may be eight times more likely to die in car crashes when they are driving with two or more teenage passengers. Teenagers are also killed each summer in accidents caused by texting and driving.

How to Protect Your Teenager During the 100 Deadliest Days

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAA) has recommendations for parents who want to protect their teenage drivers during the summer.

  1. Create a “safe driving contract”. The first thing parents can do is to create a safe driving contract. According to AAA, this contract can stipulate rules for safe driving and punishments for breaking these rules.
  2. Limit passengers. Passengers increase the risk of an accident for your teenager. You can place limits on the number of passengers your teenager can have while driving. Depending on your state, these limitations may already be codified into law.
  3. Set an example. You can also lead by example. Teach your teenager safe driving habits while they are in the car with you. For instance, you could put your mobile phone out of reach to avoid the temptation of texting behind the wheel.

Contact Our Denver Car Accident Attorneys for More Information

You should speak with an attorney if a car accident causes harm to you or a loved one. The Denver car accident attorneys at Lampert & Walsh, LLC can help you determine possible options for recovering compensation. For future updates on driving safety tips and news, follow our law firm on Facebook and Twitter.

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