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Here’s How Colorado Is Helping Keep Pedestrians Safe

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According to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), there were 93 pedestrian fatalities in 2017. This was an 11 percent increase in pedestrian accidents from the previous year. Most incidents involving pedestrians and vehicles do not happen at intersections. As the state population grows, the number of motorists has increased. These motorists are creating increased traffic congestion and in turn, more people are walking instead of driving.

CDOT maintains that distracted driving continues to cause pedestrian accidents. Drivers who are looking down at their phones or changing the radio can be unaware of nearby pedestrians. CDOT has implemented a program that features “Fred Estrian,” the crosswalk signal comes to life, to help inform the citizens of Colorado about pedestrian safety awareness. The campaign features radio spots, billboards, and social media ads across the state.

Seven Important Pedestrian Safety Tips

Although CDOT’s program may help to improve safety, there are other precautions you can take to reduce your chances of being involved in a pedestrian accident. The following are some tips to help ensure your safety when crossing the street:

  1. Use crosswalks at intersections with the proper signage rather than jaywalking.
  2. Before crossing, stop to check the flow of traffic by looking both ways.
  3. Be aware of vehicles turning as you cross the street. Many vehicles can turn right without a green light.
  4. Be aware of traffic. Press the crosswalk button and adhere to the crosswalk signals as they alert you when it’s safe to cross the street.
  5. Store your phone in your pocket and keep your head up as you cross the street.
  6. Continue to check traffic as you are crossing the street.
  7. Wear light colors and walk where there are street lights at night.

Questions About a Pedestrian Accident?

If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident with a vehicle, you should contact the Colorado personal injury lawyers at Lampert & Walsh, LLC. Call us at 720-489-5848 or fill out the online form to set up a free consultation today.

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