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Recovering Damages After a Motorcycle Accident: What You Can Expect

Motorcycle Accident

Riding a motorcycle isn’t like it appears in the movies. If you own a motorcycle, you know the risks inherent in motorcycle riding. Even if you’re the most careful rider, there’s the possibility of being involved in an accident.

While motorcycle riding can be exhilarating, riders are at a greater risk of crashing. These crashes tend to result in a high number of injuries and fatalities. Recovering after a motorcycle accident is certainly a traumatic time for the victim and their loved ones. 

Additionally, trying to get compensation for injuries only creates more trauma. If a driver, pedestrian, or another motorcyclist is responsible for causing your crash, you have the right to monetary recovery from the at-fault individual.

Deciding Who’s at Fault

Another individual is considered “at fault” if they acted negligently, failing to obey the traffic laws. Typical situations that could reveal another party is at fault include:

  • A motorist was speeding
  • A motorist ignored a traffic signal or stop sign
  • A motorist was under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • A motorcycle malfunctioned due to the fault of the manufacturer
  • A motorist didn’t check their blind spot
  • The city failed to maintain the streets and highways

Seeking Recovery for Damages

If the motorcycle driver isn’t at fault for the accident, they aren’t financially responsible. Motorcycle accidents usually result in costly damages and injuries. Recovering damages entails a few steps.

First, you must decide who was at fault. Next, you need to assess your damages and file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party.

Pursuing Motorcycle Accident Damages

There are several ways to pursue motorcycle accident damages. You can work with the insurance company of the negligent party, getting a settlement without having to go to trial.

If an agreement can’t be reached, you might need to file a lawsuit. If the negligent party has insurance, it’s crucial to file a claim with their insurance company. An insurance company will probably cover motorcycle accident damages like medical bills.

Based on the seriousness of your injuries and the extent of coverage, the damages might exceed the available coverage amount. If the coverage available won’t compensate for your damages, you might need to get the remaining amount directly from the at-fault party. Furthermore, any damages that are denied by the insurance company or go beyond the coverage limits will have to be recovered from the negligent party. This could entail filing a lawsuit.

Why You Need an Experienced Denver Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you’re injured in a motorcycle accident, you should contact an experienced Denver motorcycle accident attorney immediately. Don’t wait to see how quickly you recover.

If someone else is at fault, you could be entitled to compensation for all the damages. However, proving these damages necessitates evidence that must be gathered at the accident site as well as medical records, photos, videos, and the police report. This long and complex process occurs while you’re recuperating. Let Lambert and Walsh help you with your case. Contact us for a free consultation.

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