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Where can I find the best personal injury attorney in Denver

Personal injury attorney in Denver

Finding the Best Personal Injury Attorney in Denver can be what makes or breaks your success on a court case in the event of a wrongful injury. You need someone who understands you, is compassionate towards your injury, but is also well-versed in the law and experienced with personal injury lawsuits. This attorney should be someone you trust entirely to handle your case and represent you in court, because they carry a lot of responsibility to you and their profession to ensure you achieve the compensation you deserve, and have some closure on a traumatic experience in your life. This decision cannot be made lightly, and we understand that entirely at Lampert & Walsh.

Discover Lampert & Walsh Personal Injury Attorney

Learn more about the law firm that has been serving Denver on behalf of victims of negligence for over 15 years and counting. While we firmly believe we offer the best attorneys in this field of law, this is not something you should just take our word for. Discover who we are, what we have become, and where we are going to decide for yourself.


Over 25 years of serving in duty to Denver, we have gathered many high recommendations from your peers and fellow Colorado residents. We put our clients first in everything we do, and many of the testimonials we have received from our happy patrons have talked highly about this sense of priority we give you.


Word of mouth is not the only aspect you should be considering when you’re looking to hire an attorney to handle your personal injury case in Denver. Beyond our great reviews, Lampert & Walsh have several examples of real court cases and verdicts we have been participants in, to give you a better idea of the cases we have handled and how we achieved the desired outcome.


Aside from the skilled spearheading attorneys Brian Lampert and Sean Walsh, two other very talented experts of law are part of the family at our firm. Kendra Strong and Richard Casey are valuable additions to our team. Hundreds of cases have been settled favorably between our small, intimate crew of attorneys, and our numbers on hand allow us to be flexible and available for your needs.

Practice Areas

We specialize in personal injury, but this is a vast field. Negligence and industry-specific law areas, such as aviation law, are also on our docket of experience. Medical malpractice, wrongful death, vehicle and pedestrian accidents, and general resources for all things related to this field of interest are offered at Lampert & Walsh.

Contact Us

Our goal is to remain accessible to anyone who has suffered from a personal injury and wishes to get legal assistance in the battle for compensation. To contact us, you can do so easily from our site, by placing a call or coming to stop by for a visit to discuss your unique and important situation with us in person.

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